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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of place show the positional relationships that different objects have. Below is a list of some of the most common items.
Most are self explanatory and easy to understand but there are some that are used idiomatically. Look over the list and then do the exercise that follows to check your knowledge.

Ø  AGAINST = touching something directly; having contact.
-          Don't leave your bicycle leaning against the car again!
Ø  ALONG = placed by the side of something.
-          In case of accidents there are emergency telephones all along the tunnel.
Ø  ALONGSIDE = a position next to something.
-          The two runners ran alongside each other as they approached the finish line.
Ø  AROUND = near, in the vicinity.
-          There’s a pub around here somewhere I seem to recall.
Ø  AT = A. exact position B. approximate position
-          A. Turn right at the next street.
-          B. He runs a stall at the beach during summers.
Ø  BESIDE = at the side of.
-          Cotton has been cultivated beside the Nile river for centuries.
Ø  BY = in the region of.
-          He lives in a cottage by Lake Michigan.
Ø  ON THE LEFT / RIGHT OF = immediately next to; on one side or the other.
-          These are our wedding pictures. My brother's on the left of my dad in this picture.
Ø  NEAR = in the vicinity, or area of.
-          We live very near the airport.
Ø  NEXT TO = close; almost touching.
-          She bought a house next to the cemetery because she wanted quiet neighbors.
Ø  TOWARDS = close to, near.
Towards the end of the journey I got really tired.

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